Developers' Guide

Must Read if you want to develop/contribute to TerraForge3D


Do not confuse Visual Studio with Visual Studio Code

Setting Up The Code

Run :

git clone --recursive
  • Once it is cloned go to scripts/ folder. And run the Setup.bat.

  • Then you should see TerraForge3D.sln created in the root directory.

Building the code

There are 2 ways to do this:

With Visual Studio GUI

  • Just open up the TerraForge3D.sln in Visual Studio

  • Press F5 or CTRL+SHIFT+B your built binary should be in bin/Debug-windows-x86/TerraForge3D/TerraForge3D.exe

From Command Line

  • Start up a developer command prompt (Press the windows button and search for Developer Command Prompt).

  • Go to the TerraForge3D directory you cloned TerraForge3D in.

  • Run:

SET Platform=
msbuild /m /p:PlatformTarget=x86 /p:Configuration=Debug TerraForge3D.sln
  • Again your built exe should be in bin/Debug-windows-x86/TerraForge3D/TerraForge3D.exe

Coding Conventions

  • PascalCase for Function/Class names.

  • CamelCase for variable names.

  • You should add comments with the code you write.

Submitting A Pull Request

Once everything is done you should commit it to your fork and then create pull request. It will be reviewed and you may be asked to make any changes if needed else it will be merged with TerraForge3D master.


  • Do not run the TerraForge3D.exe in the binaries folder at all(run the binary you built in the bin/Debug-windows-x86/TerraForge3D/TerraForge3D.exe all necessary data will be copied there automatically on build).

  • Do not change anything in the Binaries folder if it is not the only option.


For any queries or requests :

Last updated