Setting Up

Setting up TerraForge3D on your computer!

On Windows

You can also download older versions from the Releases Page.

  • Then Extract the zip file.

  • Place the extracted folder in any non admin directory.

  • You will see the following directory structure:

|-- Data
|   |-- Many Folders...
|-- VCRuntime
|-- |-- VC_redist.x86.exe
|-- TerraForge3D.exe
  • Now you are ready to get started! Just Launch TerraForge3D.exe

If you get any errors like dll not found!

Go to the VCRuntime folder and execute the VC_redist.x86.exe. Follow the onscreen instructions to install it. Then restart your computer. Try running the TerraForge3D.exe again.

On Linux

Currently TerraForge3D is not supported on Linux. But you can try installing using wine.

Last updated